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Community Engagement

Volunteer Work & Community Projects 

Girl Scouts Troop 6000 Troop Leader

I am currently a Troop Leader for Girl Scouts Troop 6000. Troop 6000 serves girls and families in temporary housing in New York City. As a troop leader, I lead troop meetings every other week and volunteer for field trips. 

2023-2024 Project and Field Trips Included: 

  • World Thinking Day 

  • Elemental Movie Screening 

  • Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty 

  • Harlem Grown 

Community Yoga & Advocacy Events

I have hosted several community yoga & advocacy events since earning my 200-hour yoga instructor certification in 2020. These events were open to all, included movement and sound healing, and handouts for promoting self-care and providing psycho-education. All events were donation-based with proceeds donated to various community organizations. 


  • Reproductive Justice Flow & Sound Healing (Donations to Reproaction) 

  • Awareness Heals: Yoga Experience to Support Survivors of Sexual Violence (Donations to Strong Heart Women's Native Coalition) 

  • Hope & Healing Yoga & Meditation for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (Donations to Center for Community Solutions, San Diego) 

Online yoga and coaching donation recipients: 

  • Survived & Punished New York

  • Prison Yoga Project

  • Black Lives Matter 



University of Cincinnati Graduate Students in Criminal Justice Anti-Racism Statement 

Many academic departments released a statement regarding recent incidents of police brutality and the murder of Black individuals. Because the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati did not, we as students wrote a public statement on behalf of the undersigned graduate students. 


Below is our anti-racism statement in support of Black Lives Matter and the attendant protests. Our goal with this letter was to make a strong statement against anti-Black racism and police brutality and provide a list of actions we wanted the School to take. We recognized these steps were not exhaustive, but we felt it was important to organize and recommend actionable steps in a timely manner. 


It was a priority of ours to ensure that current and future Black students in this School are adequately supported, and that the letter served to amplify and center Black voices and perspectives. As such, in addition to the three of us (Laur Rubino, Claudia Anderson, and Nicole McKenna), Leah Butler, Natasha Moses, Miranda Celeste Barker, Symone Pate, and Eurielle Kiki put in the emotional labor to develop and revise many versions of this statement. However, we also incorporated a great deal of feedback from the remaining doctoral students in the program. We believe that the statement fairly reflected the views of the undersigned doctoral students.


UCCJ Graduate Student Anti-Racism Statement 

Internships, Social Service Work, & Volunteering 

Co-Coordinator, New Jersey Child Sexual Abuse Community-Based Participatory Action Research Coalition


Council Member, New Jersey Restorative & Transformative Justice Coordinating Council


Member, New Jersey Abolition Workshop


Guest Editor, Special Issue on Youth Justice, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice


Associate Editor, Criminal Justice & Behavior


Coordinator, Reimagining Safety Film Screening & Panel Discussion, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 


Kids Yoga Instructor, Hapa Yoga


Volunteer, The Yoga Bus' Juneteenth Celebration 


Volunteer, Center for Community Solutions: Tea & Tonic for Empowering & Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence


Peer-to-Peer Sexual Assault Advocate, Westminster College


After School Program Manager, Promise South Salt Lake


Co-Occurring Re-entry and Empowerment Case Manager, Valley Behavioral Health 


Research, Policy, & Advocacy Intern, Racially Just Utah ​


Intern, District of Utah Federal Court: Re-entry Independence Through Sustainable Effort (Drug and Behavioral Health Courts)


Change from Within: Yoga for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System (Prison Yoga Project & Yoga Ed)


Yoga Through the Lens of Trauma and Incarceration (Prison Yoga Project)


200-hour Yoga Teacher Training  (Yoga & Ayurveda Center) 


Certified Sexual Assault Counselor (State of Utah) 


Certified Adult Substance Use Counselor (State of Utah) 

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