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Publications & Media 

Academic Publications

Technical Reports

Boxer, P., Duron, J. F., McKenna, N. C. (2024). Evaluation of Youth Advocate Community Interventions in New Jersey.

Anderson, V. R., McKenna, N. C., & *Pierce, K. (2023). Validating the Human Trafficking Screening Tool for Justice-Involved Youth. Cincinnati, OH: Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services.

Anderson, V. R., McKenna, N. C., & Pate, S. (2021). Examining the characteristics and context of detained girls’ needs. Cincinnati, OH: Center for Clinical and Translational and Science and Training (CCTST).

Sullivan, C. J. & McKenna N. C. (2021). Implementation of Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Guidelines. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Research (AIR). 

Book Chapters

McKenna, N. C., Anderson, V. R., Kiki, E., Starcher, D. L. (2022). Experiencing the juvenile legal system as a girl: Lessons from gender-responsive approaches and trauma-informed care. In Masson, I. M. & Booth, N. (Eds.) Handbook of Women’s Experiences in Criminal Justice.

Sullivan, C. J., Goncalves, S., & McKenna, N.C. (In Press). Juvenile drug courts. To be published in Welsh, B, Mears, D., & Zane, S. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Evidence-Based Crime and Justice Policy.

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