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Social Scientist

Researcher dedicated to: 

  • Reducing & responding to trauma 

  • Enhancing supports for people impacted by incarceration

  • Ending mass incarceration of youth and adults 



My Background

Hello! My name is Dr. Nicole McKenna and I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice Administration at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. 


My research focuses on girls in the juvenile legal system, experiences of trauma and victimization, and trauma-informed interventions. My work has been featured in the American Journal of Community Psychology, Criminal Justice and Behavior, and Feminist Criminology. 


My research typically applies a mixed methods approach and I pride myself on staying up-to-date with new methodological approaches to working with system-involved youth and adults. I adopt a social justice lens, as well as a feminist and trauma-informed perspective in my research and teaching. I consider myself a scholar-activist, prioritizing advocacy and community in the work I do in and out of the academy. 


Patti Mattson

New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission

State Research Partner 

Dr. McKenna is a joy to work with. She possesses a rare combination of expertise and a calm demeanor. She approaches challenges with an out-of-the-box perspective, consistently seeking innovative solutions.

Her collaborative spirit is invaluable. Dr. McKenna excels at working with diverse groups, including communities,

agencies, counties, and state entities. She is a highly sought-after resource in the areas of community engagement, research, and restorative justice.

Kaylise Algrim 

Psychology Ph.D. Student 

Rutgers University

Nicole joined our team and immediately improved it. She is a deep, thoughtful researcher with a clear eye on immediate problems and systemic issues in the criminal justice system. As a colleague, Nicole is thoughtful, considerate and an excellent problem-solver who is endlessly passionate about creating systems which are more person-focused and just.

Juan Molina

Youth Advocate Programs

Community Research Partner

I could not have asked for a more thoughtful, responsive, and thoughtful research colleague. Dr. McKenna’s innate superpower is being a superior researcher in disguise. She possesses the instincts, curiosity and ingenuity which served us well.

Diana Rodriquez

Restorative Justice Expert

Dr. McKenna inspires me through her dedication to action. In the years that I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. McKenna, I have witnessed her passion for transforming communities through her research practices, and collaborative projects with community-based organizations. Dr. McKenna sets a standard of excellence that is complimented by her ability to collaborate with others on research, mentoring adolescent populations, and leadership in the community. Dr. McKenna is both compassionate, and a force against injustice.


Comparative Corrections John Jay College

Professor McKenna always did everything she could to help her students and make sure they are on track. If you had trouble with anything at all, she will always try somehow to help you out. She actually cares about her students.


Very great professor! She’s so bright and interesting with her work. I loved her class, highly recommend!!


Dr. McKenna has always helped me but the most that she's helped me is improve my writing skills. 


Sometimes would have guest speakers which I loved because it made me look at certain things differently and it was an inspirational moment.

My Work

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